About Zach Meyer


who we are

Dr. Alicia Meyer, Psy.D., LPC



I believe it is important to have a good fit between therapist and client in order to do your best work in therapy. I am deeply passionate about helping people access their fullest potential for their life. There are a number of things that can get in the way of someone being able to do that, it is my job to help you identify what is standing in your way and help you build the skills to overcome those obstacles. While symptom relief is important and always a goal in therapy with me, I believe that our life story has clues that tell us about specific ways we have been hurt and damaged that often lead to themes of familiar hurts as we move forward in life. Understanding your life story and how it has shaped you can help you to forgive yourself and others and open you up to living less encumbered by the themes of hurt from your past. Walking this journey toward deeper healing is one of my particular niches in therapy. I consider myself to be an especially good fit as a therapist for anyone who wants to really dig in and do good, deep work that will have a lasting impact on your life moving forward. My skill set is important but it is ultimately your work. My professional style leads me to empower clients to claim this process of growth for themselves. I feel I have succeeded in my work with a client if they can begin to develop their own internal therapeutic voice. I have often had clients give me feedback that our work together has allowed them to get to this point. The chance to walk this road with clients for a season is an honor that I feel privileged to be allowed to participate in. 

I have a wide range of experience working with clients from diverse backgrounds dealing with a myriad of issues. Some of the clients that I am particularly skilled at working with include anxiety (generalized anxiety, panic and OCD), issues of codependency, narcissistic personality disorder, professional development and career changes, life/work balance, depression, dysthymia, grief and loss, postpartum depression. 

I have experience working with clients of all ages including young children (attachment issues, depression, grief and loss, anxiety, OCD), adolescents, adults and couples. My work with couples is greatly informed by the work of Harville Hendrix and John Gottmann. 

In 2020 I decided to add EMDR training to my skill set. EMDR is short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a mind/body integrated approach to therapy that has a solid body of research behind it as an approved treatment of trauma. Many people may only think that acute (intense and sudden) trauma is the only kind of trauma that exists but the reality is that much of what keeps us feeling stuck in life is a result of some kinds of trauma. I would love to tell you more about the nature of trauma and how EMDR works as an effective treatment approach but it can be difficult to explain succinctly. The following videos are helpful place to start but if you are at all curious to know more please reach out to schedule one of our free 30-minute consultations. I am currently a trained EMDR therapist working toward my formal certification.

What is EMDR?

How it can help:

Helpful questions answered:

Zachary Meyer, MA, LPC



The therapeutic relationship is a unique one. It’s entirely focused on you and your needs, and my job is to join with you as we collaborate on solutions to your problems you’ve been unable to arrive at on your own. Whatever brings you to therapy, I will do my best to help you reduce your negative symptoms. However, I believe that lasting relief and change come from deepened personal insight and, ultimately, a changed relationship with yourself. This work takes longer and is more difficult. But I much prefer to work with clients who are interested in this kind of personal growth, and not just symptom relief. I find we’re just a better fit for each other.

Though well versed in effective therapies for a wide variety of mental health concerns, my passion is for working with adolescents, young adults, and with creators.

Adolescence is all about skill building. Some skills — language acquisition, walking, riding a bike — are obvious. Others — flexibility, frustration tolerance, problem solving — are more subtle. Though deficits in the latter kind of skills are often to blame for academic struggles, excessive worry, and behavioral concerns, building those skills is rarely part of the "solution" that gets offered. More often, punishments and rewards are used with little success, and much frustration all around. I specialize in identifying and teaching such lagging skills, and equipping families to continue this process at home after therapy has ended. In children ages 8 and up, I have extensive experience treating anxiety, OCD, panic attacks, impulsivity, inattentiveness, and academic issues. For this work, I draw heavily on Dr. Ross Greene's Collaborative and Proactive Solutions model.

High school and early adulthood are full of challenges, expectations, temptations, endings, and beginnings. For even the best equipped, it’s rough road to travel. Whether difficulty in this time expresses itself as a traditional mental health concern like depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, or academic struggle, or as a more existential concern about identify, meaning, or purpose, I have a deep desire to see young people transition into adulthood as the best possible versions of themselves. I offer support, insight, and skill building tailored to each client’s individual story, drawing mainly on psychodynamic, dielectic-behavioral, emotion-focused, and cognitive-behavioral therapeutic traditions. I also find great therapeutic value in the Enneagram’s conceptualization of personality, and the insights it provides permeate virtually all of my clinical work.

Lastly, as a musician myself, I am passionate about seeing creative people express themselves in a vibrant, unencumbered way. This benefits them, and it benefits the rest of us, too! If you are any kind of creative person struggling with insecurities about your work, writer’s block, or other limits to your full artistic potential, I would love to be your “Creativity Coach” and help you get your creative juices flowing again. I draw on the most recent research into the nature of creativity and well regarded techniques you can use on your own to continue making your best work.

When not doing therapy, I enjoy writing and recording music, keeping dying arts alive, and spending time in our awesome city with my wife and three young kids.